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"... So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up..." Ephesians 4:11-12


Our Pastor
Ed Staats

A native of Bridgewater, NJ, Pastor Ed grew up in the congregation of North Branch Reformed Church where he served as Elder, Deacon, interim Director of Music, and Seminary Intern. He began serving our congregation in 2022. He has a degree in marketing and studied at the Actor’s Studio (now a part of Pace University).  Currently he is working to complete his Masters of Divinity at Western Theological Seminary in Holland, Michigan.  

Before seminary Ed worked as an Energy Conservation Consultant for the Department of Defense and as a personal assistant to the Viscountess, Lady Eccles.

Ed has been married to his wife Judy since 1995 and they have two adult children (William & Elijah).  Having grown up on a farm, Ed is currently a sheep club leader with Somerset County 4-H, and a past President of the Somerset County 4-H Association.  He has also served on the board of directors for Kirkside (a shared home for seniors) and several regional theatres.  

Jessica Luteran

Director of Music
Landon Peer

Born and raised in Hunterdon County, Landon joined us in 2018. With a repertoire of music spanning from the early days of the Reformation to contemporary praise songs, Landon leads our weekly worship in song from the piano, guitar, and our historic E.M. Skinner pipe organ.

Contact him at


Our Consistory 

As a member of the RCA, the governing body of HBRC is the Consistory.  At HBRC the Consistory is composed of 3 Elders, 3 Deacons, and the Ministers. Elected by the congregation, Elders and Deacons serve 3 year terms.  We believe that the church is to be led by all who are called by God and affirmed by God’s Church.  Our Pastor oversees the daily workings of the church and leads us in worship and in our vision to love and serve. Our Elders oversee the spiritual needs of our church, members and community, while the Deacons oversee the physical needs of our church, members and community.

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High Bridge
Reformed Church

(908) 638-8978

23 Church St.

High Bridge, NJ 08829

©2022 High Bridge Reformed Church

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